Thursday, March 02, 2006

Rippit, Rippit Good

ARGH! I hate crochet. O.K., that's probably going overboard, but I hated the edging on the body of my Knitting Olympics project, so I ripped it out last night. I've started it again, but it's going to be another day before the darn thing is done... I just want to move on. Or get back to knitting my vest or my 5 year (7 year?) afghan. Or maybe do a little beading. Anything other than this darn edging... I did receive a certificate (sans my name) for participating in the Knitting Olympics. I'd love to show it to you, but Blogger isn't accepting it right now.

I've had 3 good days on plan with Weight Watchers. After struggling for two months with sticking to the plan, this seems like a miracle. And, I'm going to be fine today, because I had a 45 minute class at National Karate in St. Paul. Tough class - my thighs were burning half way through. But it was a good one.

I wish I could figure out how to put buttons on the side bar of things that I would love people to know about - like knitting podcasts. The one I like the most is Cast-On with Brenda Dayne. She's got a great sense of humor and a lovely, homey speaking style. Check her podcast out.

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