Friday, August 24, 2007

Maggie Jackson at 3 Kittens

We were really lucky to have Maggie Jackson of Maggi Knits visit our shop this week. She is an amazing designer. Her one-off creations used to sell at Neiman Marcus and other big name stores for $600+. Now, of course, she has her own yarn line and an amazing collection of pattern books. She taught two classes for us this week, plus she did a fashion show. Because I still have kids home from school (summer's almost over though; they go back to school next week - WHEW!) and my leg still needs to spend some time elevated, I couldn't attend either of the classes. However, I did get to see the fashion show, and from what I hear the classes were fantastic. Here are a couple of pics from the fashion show for your enjoyment:

1 comment:

Pam said...

Love her stuff!!